Sunday, March 16, 2008


While we are on the topic of environmental questions....have you ever noticed how many catalogs one seems to receive in the mail? ( I get them from at least 20 different companies) Did you know 19 billion catalogs are mailed to Americans every year? Did you know 53 million trees are used to make these catalogs? Most of these catalogs just get tossed or recycled without anything being purchased. Around my house I know they create a lot of cases of the "Gimme Got a Get Its" and waste a lot more time than I care to admit.

So here is a challenge. When you receive a catalog you don't want, call the company and tell them to stop sending it to you. If you need an excuse say you prefer to do your shopping online. Or you can sign up with the free service at and they will do the dirty work for you. Either way a tree will thank you.


Grandma Kristi said...

I have been thinking about doing this for a long, long time---getting rid fo all these catalogs, I mean. I always wondered how many trees were being literally wasted because of all the junk mail, fliers, catalogs, and unsolicited redundancy that clogs our mailboxes. So, ask me how many catalogs I've axed next time you see me.

jenlinmin said...

I have been thinking about these exact issues too! We have switched entirely to tupperware in lunches and reusable cloth bags at stores. It helps that San Francisco completely outlawed plastic grocery bags. I didn't know about taking charge of the catalogs. I'm on it! Thanks! By the way, we miss you guys!!!

The UnMighty said...

There is also the issue of all those teens using catalogs to roll "doobies."

Just one more thing to add to your list of cons.